Focal Points
February 19, 2020
It doesn't matter whether your style is traditional, contemporary, eclectic or anything else, certain rules about room design seem to apply no matter what.
In the design world where Modernism dictates "less is more", a great room might be spacious and sparsely furnished, yet still have something that draws our eye to a focal point - a center of interest. It might be a painting on the wall or a great rug underfoot, or a grouping of furniture that brings us a sense of security and rest. It might be that very special antique or odd piece that stands alone, creating an accent for the rest of the space, one that quietly demands our attention. Whatever it is, a focal point is a great way to organize space. So, stand at the entry to your living or family room and ask yourself, "Is there a focal point here, or is everything of equal importance, screaming for our attention?"
Here in the ZOLI showroom, we cannot get enough of our striking, new, oversize photo prints, laminated, and sealed with polyester.
These beauties run approximately 4 x 5 feet in size and are endlessly fascinating to look at, most having been developed by shooting through high magnification to capture the world in an entirely new dimension. They are colorful, abstract, and full of color. Any one of them could be the starting place for a room to remember. Others, in black and white, highlight avante-guard photography of the world we live in, or can only imagine, each enigmatic and mysterious.
Here is what we do know-- a great room has many elements. We have many of them in our gallery. And what's on the walls does count. See us for these and more...